Nintendo(TM) Gameboy sound system (PAPU) guide, v0.99.19 (12/31/2002) Written by Jonathan Gevaryahu, with help from many others. lord_nightmare at users d0t sourceforge d0t net I can also be found on OPN/freenode #gnuboy or EFNET #gameboy and #gbdev (This document is written in the same style/context as Brad Taylor's very useful NESSOUND.txt; If you found NESSOUND.txt useful for NES work, you should find this just as useful for GB work) The latest version of this document can always be obtained from: All results were obtained by studying prior information available, mainly the (in)famous Pan Docs, additional info added to the pan docs by Martin Korth of NO$GMB fame, info from some of Jeff Frohwein's various tests, and from information derived from my own experimentation. also, as Brad Taylor said so well: "A special thanks goes out to Matthew Conte, for his expertise on pseudo-random number generation (amoung other things), which allowed for the full reverse engineering of the NES's noise channel to take place. Without his help, I would still be trying to find a needle in a haystack, as far as the noise's method of pseudo-random number generation goes..." This applies here as well, since the Gameboy's PRNG is very similar to the NES' ANYHOW... /------------------\ < **Introduction** > \------------------/ The DMG-CPU/GBC-CPU/SGB-CPU (sometimes referred to as the GB-Z80 due to it's similarity with the Z80 microprocessor) has, internally, 4 semi-analog sound channels. These can be output in a conditional (on or off) fashion to one or both of the gameboy's output terminals, achieving a pseudo-stereo effect. The sound sometimes referred to as a PAPU, or Pseudo-Audio-Processing-Unit, Pseudo because it isn't actually a seperate unit. However, from a programming standpoint, for all intents and purposes it is a seperate circuit from the main processor. I'll go into as deep detail as I can when explaining the inner workings of this PAPU. /---------------------\ < **Channel Details** > \---------------------/ Each one of the four channels is different in it's own way: Channel 1 is a Squarewave channel with volume envelope and frequency sweep functions. Channel 2 is a Squarewave channel with volume envelope functions only. Channel 3 is a Voluntary Wave channel with 32 4-bit programmable samples, played in sequence. Channel 4 is a 'white noise' channel with volume envelope functions. Channels 1-3 can produce frequencies of 64hz-131072hz Channel 4 can produce bit-frequencies of 2hz-1048576hz. NOTE: On the SGB-CPU, due to video sync issues, the processor runs approximately 2.4% faster than the handheld units, and, respectively, sounds are played at a 2.4% higher frequency. /------------------------\ < **Register Addresses** > \------------------------/ The addresses through which the sound channels can be accessed are: Addr.(Register shorthand) $FF10 -- $FF14: Channel 1, Referred to as NR10-NR14 $FF15 is unused, was probably going to be a sweep reg for channel 2 originally $FF16 -- $FF19: Channel 2, Referred to as NR21-NR24 $FF1A -- $FF1E: Channel 3, Referred to as NR30-NR34 $FF1F is unused, was probably going to be a sweep reg for channel 4 originally $FF20 -- $FF23: Channel 4, Referred to as NR41-NR44 $FF24 controls the Vin status and volume, Referred to as NR50 $FF25 selects which output each channel goes to, Referred to as NR51 $FF26 is the status register, and also controls the sound circuit's power. Referred to as NR52 $FF27 -- $FF2F are unused. $FF30 -- $FF3F is the load register space for the 4-bit samples for channel 3 All registers are read/writable, except for the sound length data (see below, set 2) which is unreadable, the low 4 bits of ff26 which have no effect if written to, the initialize flags for each channel, and ff30-ff3f, which are cleared (actually scrambled) after channel 3 is played. Unverified: The pan docs also state that the frequencies of channels 1-3 are write-only. I have yet to verify this, but it is probably correct. Writing a 0 to bit position 7 in register $FF26(NR52) disables the power to the audio processing unit, which can give a 15-20% increase in battery life if used properly. see note on power consumption for details. Each channel has 5 registers associated with it, and, like the NES, they are in sets: /-------\ < Set 1 > \-------/ Master on/off and Sweep Register Channel 1 - $FF10(NR10)[sq1] --------------------------------------------- 7 Unused 6-4 Sweep time(update rate) (if 0, sweeping is off) 3 Sweep Direction (1: decrease, 0: increase) 2-0 Sweep RtShift amount (if 0, sweeping is off) Channel 3 - $FF1A(NR30)[vlnt] --------------------------------------------- 7 Channel 3 Master on/off 6-0 Unused Channels 2,4 - $FF15(NR20)[sq2], $FF1F(NR40)[noise] --------------------------------------------- 7-0 Unused /-------\ < Set 2 > \-------/ Wave pattern duty and Sound length Register Channels 1,2,4 - $FF11(NR11)[sq1], $FF16(NR21)[sq2], $FF20(NR41)[noise] --------------------------------------------- 7-6 Wave pattern duty (only on channels 1 and 2) 5-0 Length counter load register Channel 3 - $FF1B(NR31)[vlnt] --------------------------------------------- 7-0 Length counter load register /-------\ < Set 3 > \-------/ Volume Envelope Control register Channels 1,2,4 - $FF12(NR12)[sq1], $FF17(NR22)[sq2], $FF21(NR42)[noise] --------------------------------------------- 7-4 (Initial) Channel Volume 3 Volume sweep direction (0: down; 1: up) 2-0 Length of each step in sweep (if 0, sweeping is off) NOTE: each step is n/64 seconds long, where n is 1-7 Channel 3 - $FF1C(NR32)[vlnt] --------------------------------------------- 7 Unused 6-5 Volume Level (0: Mute; 1: 100%; 2: 50% [rtshift 1]; 3: 25% [rtshift 2]) 4-0 Unused /-------\ < Set 4 > \-------/ Frequency LSbs and Noise options Channels 1,2,3 - $FF13(NR13)[sq1], $FF18(NR23)[sq2], $FF1D(NR33)[vlnt] --------------------------------------------- 7-0 8 Least Significant bits of frequency (3 MSBs are in set 5) Channel 4 - $FF22(NR43)[noise] --------------------------------------------- 7-4 Shift clock frequency (s) 3 Shift Register width (0: 15 bits; 1: 7 bits) 2-0 Dividing Ratio of frequency (r) Frequency = 524288 Hz / r / 2^(s+1) ;For r=0 use r=0.5 instead /-------\ < Set 5 > \-------/ Playback flags and frequency MSbs Channels 1,2,3,4 - $FF14(NR14)[sq1], $FF19(NR24)[sq2], $FF1E(NR34)[vlnt], $FF23(NR44)[noise] --------------------------------------------- 7 Initialize (trigger channel start, AKA channel INIT) (Write only) 6 Consecutive select/length counter enable (Read/Write) 5-3 Unused 2-0 3 Most Significant bits of frequency (channels 1,2,3) (Write only) /-------------\ < Control Set > \-------------/ $FF24(NR50) - Vin (input line on cart connector) / Main Output Volume Control --------------------------------------------- 7 Output Vin to SO2 terminal (1: on; 0: off) 6-4 SO2 (Left) Main Output level (volume) 3 Output Vin to SO1 terminal (1: on; 0: off) 2-0 SO1 (Right) Main Output level (volume) $FF25(NR51) - Sound Output terminal select (1: enabled; 0: disabled) --------------------------------------------- 7 Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) 6 Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) 5 Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) 4 Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) 3 Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) 2 Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) 1 Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) 0 Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) $FF26(NR52) - Master control and status flags --------------------------------------------- 7 Master sound circuitry power control (read/write) 6-4 unused 3 Channel 4 status flag (Read-only) 2 Channel 3 status flag (Read-only) 1 Channel 2 status flag (Read-only) 0 Channel 1 status flag (Read-only) IMPORTANT NOTE ON POWER CONSUMPTION!!! Writing a 0 to bit position 7 in register $FF26(NR52) disables the power to the audio processing unit, which can give a 15-20% increase in battery life if used properly. When the PAPU is disabled, all registers in the range $FF10-$FF2F are unreadable and unwritable except for register $FF26(NR52). When the power is disabled, all register values, hidden or accessible, are lost, except for both the hidden internal and regular $FF30-FF3F wave pattern memory area. Reading from $FF26(NR52) while the audio processing unit is disabled will yield the values last written into the unused bits (0x70), all other bits are 0. NOTE: I recently discovered that the game 'Commander Keen' depends on $FF30-$FF3F being writable while the audio processing unit is off. Previsous versions of this doc had that area listed as unreadable/unwritable, and it turns out that this is not the case. (it may be unreadable, but it definitely IS writable) /-------------------------\ < Initial Register Values > \-------------------------/ Upon a system reset, the registers will be loaded with the following values: $FF10(NR10) - 0x80 $FF11(NR11) - 0xBF $FF12(NR12) - 0xF3 $FF13(NR13) - No Change $FF14(NR14) - 0xBF $FF15(NR20) - No Change $FF16(NR21) - 0x3F $FF17(NR22) - 0x00 $FF18(NR23) - No Change $FF19(NR24) - 0xBF $FF1A(NR30) - 0x7F $FF1B(NR31) - 0xFF $FF1C(NR32) - 0x9F $FF1D(NR33) - 0xBF $FF1E(NR34) - No Change $FF1F(NR40) - No Change $FF20(NR41) - 0xFF $FF21(NR42) - 0x00 $FF22(NR43) - 0x00 $FF23(NR44) - 0xBF $FF24(NR50) - 0x77 $FF25(NR51) - 0xF3 $FF26(NR52) - SEE BELOW Values marked 'No Change' are not reset to a particular value upon system reset Unverified: Upon initial power on they are most likely 0xFF.(thanks Martin Korth) On the DMG/GBP/CGB, the value of $FF26(NR52) is 0xF_1_ due to the fact that channel 1 is on-but-faded-out, due to the two-toned 'gameboy startup sound'. On the SGB/SGB2, however, there IS no internal startup noise, and so the initial value is 0xF_0_, and channel 1 is off. For initial values of $FF30-$FF3F, see section 'Wave pattern memory' below. /--------------------------\ < **Channel Architecture** > \--------------------------/ Here, I will try to describe the inner workings of the channels in as much detail as I can manage. Please note that a few of the points are not completely tested and/or understood (particularly the zombie state increment stuff, see 'volume/envelope control unit') Device Square1 Square2 Voluntary Noise ------ ------- ------- --------- ----- programmable timer X X X configurable timer X length counter X X X X unified length clock <> 4-bit DAC X X X X volume/envelope control unit X X X master output control switch * * X * frequency sweep unit X duty cycle generator X X pseudorandom number generator X wave pattern memory X wave pattern playback/volume shift unit X SO1/SO2 Control unit * * * * /--------------------\ < Programmable timer > \--------------------/ The programmable timer is an 11-bit presettable down counter, with reloading- upon-0. It is found in the two squarewave channels and the voluntary wave channel. Some permutation of it may exist on the noise channel also, but for all intents and purposes it doesn't exist there. Channels 1,2,3 - $FF13(NR13)[sq1], $FF18(NR23)[sq2], $FF1D(NR33)[vlnt] --------------------------------------------- 7-0 8 Least Significant bits of frequency, bits 7-0 Channels 1,2,3 - $FF14(NR14)[sq1], $FF19(NR24)[sq2], $FF1E(NR34)[vlnt] --------------------------------------------- 2-0 3 Most Significant bits of frequency, bits A-8 The 11-bit frequency value, upon either part being written, is binary-inverted (NOT), and the resulting number plus one is placed into the 11-bit counter. Another possibility is that the 11-bit frequency is subtracted from 2048, the result being written into the counter. (either way, the result is the same) Attempting to read the contents of these registers will yield a null result (either all 0's or all 1's, I haven't checked yet) The counter has 'syncronous reloading upon terminal count', meaning that it will count for N+1 clock cycles before arriving at 0 (the 'terminal count', at which the counter's TC line is raised), and then be reloaded, taking an additional cycle, and resume counting). This counter is clocked by the output of a 5-bit count-0-to-31-and-loop timer/divider, which itself is clocked by the gameboy's standard CPU clock input, 4.194304mhz. [the pitch doesn't double when in the CGB's doublespeed mode, because doublespeed mode only makes the *processor* clock on both the rising and falling edges of the clock signal, which stays constant at 4.194304mhz.] This makes the output frequency work like this as compared to the 11-bit freq: Hz = 4194304 / ((2048 - (11-bit-freq)) << 5) which could also be written like: Hz = 4194304 / ((~11-bit-freq + 1) << 5) or also like: Hz = 131072 / (~11-bit-freq + 1) The Terminal Count line is also connected to either the duty cycle generator, the wave pattern playback unit, or the pseudorandom number generator's trigger, depending on the channel. NOTE: channel 1's sweep unit will scramble its counter's contents, and will necessitate a fresh write of the frequency values. (see sweep unit) /--------------------\ < Configurable Timer > \--------------------/ The configurable timer is the noise channel (channel 4)'s equivalent of a programmable frequency timer. It is controlled by register $FF22(NR43), and consists of a customized 3-bit down counter, a 16-bit long down counter with reload-on-0 and only 1 initially-settable bit. The 3-bit down counter's initial/reload setting is determined by the setting of the frequency divide ratio. Channel 4 - $FF22(NR43)[noise] --------------------------------------------- 2-0 Frequency divide ratio The down counter is clocked at 2097152 hz, divided from the processor's 4.194304Mhz frequency. The counter counts down until 0, and spends 1 clock cycle reloading the initial value from the freq divide ratio. clock freq: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 2097152 hz ratio of: 0 _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 1048576 hz 1 __--__--__--__--__--__--__-- 524288 hz 2 ___---___---___---___---___- ~370727.6 hz 3 ____----____----____----____ 262144 hz 4 _____-----_____-----_____--- ~220435.95 hz 5 ______------______------____ ~185363.8 hz 6 _______-------_______------- ~155871.75 hz 7 ________--------________---- 131072 hz The terminal count/output of the counter is the clock input to the shift clock. The shift clock is a 16-bit long down counter which can have any single bit in it set as the initial/reload value, the position of that bit being read from the shift clock frequency register. reloading of the value is instantaneous. Channel 4 - $FF22(NR43)[noise] --------------------------------------------- 7-4 Shift clock frequency The terminal count of the shift clock is the input clock signal of the PseudoRandom Number Generator. PRNG Frequency = (1048576 Hz / (ratio + 1)) / 2 ^ (shiftclockfreq + 1) /----------------\ < Length Counter > \----------------/ The Gameboy's audio channels each feature a length counter, a conditionally clocked down counter. There are two types of length counters used in the Gameboy's PAPU: the 5-bit ones used on channels 1, 2, and 4, and the 8-bit one used on channel 3. The clock source for each counter is described below. Values can be loaded into the length counters for each channel using the following registers: Channels 1,2,4 - $FF11(NR11)[sq1], $FF16(NR21)[sq2], $FF20(NR41)[noise] --------------------------------------------- 5-0 Length counter load register The 5-bit value is binary-inverted (NOT) upon a register write, 1 is added to the result, and the resulting value is written to the counter. Another possibility is that the 5-bit length value is subtracted from 64, the result being written to the counter. (either way, the result is the same) These length counters are clocked at a rate of 1 count every 1/256th of a second, taken directly from the unified length clock (256hz, see below). Therefore: length in seconds = (64 - [length]) * (1/256) NOTE: In previous versions of this doc, I had the length counter clock for channels 1,2,4 being clocked once every 1/64th of a second. Subsequent testing proved that this was incorrect. Thanks to beware for asking me to check it. Channel 3 - $FF1B(NR31)[vlnt] --------------------------------------------- 7-0 Length counter load register The 8-bit value is binary-inverted (NOT) upon a register write, 1 is added to the result, and the resulting value is written to the counter. Another possibility is that the 8-bit length value is subtracted from 256, the result being written to the counter. (either way, the result is the same) This length counter is also clocked at a rate of 1 count every 1/256th of a second, taken directly from the unified length clock (256hz, see below). Therefore: length in seconds = (256 - [length]) * (1/256) Writing a value to a length counter will IMMEDIATELY start the counter counting down, regardless of the channel's current on/off state! This will happen ANY time that the length counter enable bit is on during a write. Several games, notably 'Mega Man 2' and 'Balloon Kid' prove this. NOTE: The length counters are NEVER reloaded to their last written value! They must be reloaded by hand EVERY TIME, as the values written are destroyed during the countdown itself! However, Initializing the channel (bit 7 of $FF14, $FF19, $FF1E, $FF23) will cause a maximum-length-possible-for-that-channel playback, BUT ONLY if the current counter is at terminal count (0)! VERIFIED. VERIFIED: If the counter is written to while the length counter enable bit (see below) is OFF, the value will remain intact until the enable bit is turned on. This is regardless of whether the channel is INITed then, although I'm fairly sure it was intended that one would start the counter and the channel during the same PAPU write. The clocking of the counter is enabled or disabled depending on the status of the 'length counter enable register' (AKA the 'consecutive' bit) in register set 5, a 1 enabling the counter, a 0 disabling it. Channels 1,2,3,4 - $FF14(NR14)[sq1], $FF19(NR24)[sq2], $FF1E(NR34)[vlnt], $FF23(NR44)[noise] --------------------------------------------- 6 Consecutive select/length counter enable (Read/Write) The real-time status for the length counter of a given channel can be attained by reading register $FF26(NR52). a 1 indicates that the length counter is non-0, or that the consecutive/length counter enable bit is 0; 0 indicates that the length counter is 0, and subsequently that channel is off. $FF26(NR52) - Master control and status flags --------------------------------------------- 3 Channel 4 status flag (Read-only) 2 Channel 3 status flag (Read-only) 1 Channel 2 status flag (Read-only) 0 Channel 1 status flag (Read-only) /----------------------\ < Unified Length Clock > \----------------------/ This is a recent discovery, pointed out to me by beware(of bgb fame). It is a single clock, running at 256hz, probably divided directly from the GB processor's clock (4.194304Mhz). It is used to clock the length counters of each channel, when the length counter enable bit (see above) for that particular channel is on. It is common to all channels, so when it clocks for one channel it clocks all of them. UNVERIFIED: It may also be used, after being divided by 2, to clock the 128hz sweep clock. The last test I did was inconclusive, probably due to some mistake I made during testing. /-----------\ < 4-bit DAC > \-----------/ This is a plain-old vanilla linear 4-bit DAC, 16 steps of output voltage. All of the sound channels use them for output. The output order for all the channels: [4-bit DAC] -> [Master channel switch] -> [SO1/SO2 output switches] -> SO1/SO2 The SO1/SO2 output lines of the processor are connected to a pull-up? resistor, and a capacitor, then connected to the earphone terminal. A seperate tap of the SOx lines mixes the two together, and runs through a break-on-plug-presence switch in the earphone jack, and goes to the speaker on the front of the unit. The GBC(/GBP?) have a different capacitor/resistor combination which isn't as smooth-sounding, but other than that, (and a cheaper speaker,) they seem to be the same as the DMG(/SGB?). Note: Older versions of the DMG (pre-DMG-CPU-05?) used a logarithmic DAC for channel 3 (others also?) instead of a linear one. see section 'Wave Pattern Memory' for a diagram. /--------------------------------\ < Volume / Envelope Control unit > \--------------------------------/ The Volume/Envelope control unit is a simple volume control which can also do fade-ins and fade-outs at a configurable rate. The channel volume level is controlled by a 4-bit delta counter (which can be incremented or decremented by 1) with an overflow/underflow line. The 1-bit input from the duty cycle generator or PRNG is multiplied by 15, and binary AND'ed against the volume control (effectively multiplied by the volume control). Modifications to the volume control take effect upon the next channel INIT, and if the channel was on (length counter status was non-0, and master volume control switch was on; see below), then it will trigger a 'zombie mode' volume change (see below). Channels 1,2,4 - $FF12(NR12)[sq1], $FF17(NR22)[sq2], $FF21(NR42)[noise] --------------------------------------------- 7-4 (Initial) Channel Volume The volume sweep section consists of a 3-bit down counter(hereafter referred to as the 'step length counter') with switchable reload-upon-0, whose initial value is loaded from the sweep rate value on channel INIT. Channels 1,2,4 - $FF12(NR12)[sq1], $FF17(NR22)[sq2], $FF21(NR42)[noise] --------------------------------------------- 2-0 Length of each step in sweep The terminal count (value=0) line of this counter is output to a 1-of-2 selector. This 1-of-2 selector is used to select an upward or downward volume sweep, getting the direction from the Volume/envelope register on channel INIT. Channels 1,2,4 - $FF12(NR12)[sq1], $FF17(NR22)[sq2], $FF21(NR42)[noise] --------------------------------------------- 3 Volume sweep direction (0: down; 1: up) if the direction is 0, the counter outputs its signal through the selector into the decrease (-) delta terminal of the volume counter. If the direction is 1, the counter outputs its signal through the selector into the increase (+) delta terminal of the volume counter. SPECULATION: The volume counter itself has an overflow/underflow line, which is connected to a switch that prevents the step length counter from reloading its original value when it reaches 0. When this occurs, the terminal count line of the step length counter is ON steadily, and unless the channel's length counter is enabled (and will shut the channel off), the channel enters 'zombie mode'. ZOMBIE MODE: UNDEAD CHANNELS! The channel's volume is now whatever it was set to, or 0/15 if a sweep occured, and will sustain that volume indefinitely unless the length counter halts the channel. If any envelope register bits are now changed, the volume of the channel will increase by 1 or 2, looping around to 0 if necessary. (1 if the channel was INIT-ed with the sweep step number set to 0, 2 if otherwise; also 2 if the step number has been changed to a non-zero value since the INIT, even if it currently is 0) If the volume sweep direction bit is changed, however, the volume of the channel will increase by 4 instead of 2, for that write only. Direction of the change(1->0 or 0->1) is apparently irrelevant. While in zombie mode, if the step length register is set to 0, it will have no immediate effect other than increasing the volume by 2 (or 4 if the direction was also changed). (but it WILL change the step size to 1 if the channel is then re-INITed, see above) Setting the (Initial) Volume to 0 will disable the channel's master channel control switch, and silence the channel (see below, 'master channel control switch'). Re-INITing the channel will pull it out of zombie mode: it will turn envelope sweeping back on, unless the volume is 0, in which case the master volume control switch will be off. /-------------------------------\ < Master Channel Control Switch > \-------------------------------/ The master channel control switch, which appears at first glance to be unique to channel 3, is actually not exclusive to that channel. It is present in all of the channels, but is embedded within the Initial Volume control, on the channels which have an Envelope Control unit (channels 1, 2, and 4). As mentioned above in the 'Volume/Envelope Control Unit' section, when a downward envelope sweep occurs, the channel is NOT shut off when the volume reaches 0. HOWEVER, writing a 0 to the (Initial) Volume section of the envelope register will cause that channel's 'hidden' master channel control switch to be turned off. This ONLY occurs if 0 is *WRITTEN* to the register, and only if the master channel control switch is not already off(it can't be turned off twice!) If the switch is off, it can be turned back on by writing any non-0 value to the (Initial) Volume section of the register. When the switch for a channel is off, it's length counter status will be 0. The switch causes a +11 or -12 'click' noise to be output to the SOx control unit depending on whether it is turned from off to on or vice-versa, due to the slightly raised voltage that all of the channels output when their master channel control switch is on. At system startup, channel 1's switch is on (turned on by the bootstrap rom), all other channels are off. /----------------------\ < Frequency Sweep Unit > \----------------------/ The sweep unit is exclusive to channel 1. The controlling register for the sweep unit is $FF10(NR10). The sweep unit, on channel INIT, grabs the the 11 bits of channel 1's frequency register, and stores them into a hidden, internal register. any writes to the frequency registers during the sweep, will take effect until the sweep unit makes its next write to those registers, continuing the original sweep. IT WILL NOT SWEEP FROM THE NEW FREQUENCY! The sweep unit has the aforementioned hidden frequency register (an 11-bit accumulator), an adder, a 3-bit down counter with reload-on-0, a selector switch, and an up-to-3-bit rightshifter. The 3-bit down counter controls the frequency of sweep updates. It's initial (and reload) value is taken from the sweep time register. The value-reload takes 1 clock cycle. Channel 1 - $FF10(NR10)[sq1] --------------------------------------------- 6-4 Sweep time(update rate) The counter is clocked at 128hz, divided from the unified sound clock (256hz), so the frequency-of-sweep-update will be: freq(hz) = 128 / (sweep time + 1) NOTE: Writing 0 to the sweep time register disables the clock, and therefore disables sweeping. The frequency in the accumulator is first rightshifted by up to 7 bits, controllable by the Sweep RtShift amount register: Channel 1 - $FF10(NR10)[sq1] --------------------------------------------- 2-0 Sweep RtShift amount NOTE: Writing 0 to the Sweep RtShift amount disables sweeping. While the RtShift amount is 0, the sweep time register becomes sort of a length counter, and the channel will automatically terminate on it clocking. NOTE2: When set to sweep upward, the channel will do absolutely nothing on INIT unless the current frequency is below the 'sweep threshhold' for that particular rightshift amount. The reason for this is because otherwise the channel's NEXT step would IMMEDIATELY overflow the 11-bit frequency counter. (Values immediately below the threshholds will only play one note, since the second step wouldn't overflow, but the third step would, and so only the first step is played. The sweep unit always works one step ahead of the current output, and on the next step outputs that result and calculates the next, etc.) The threshholds are: 0: 0x7ff(no threshhold, since sweeping is disabled) 1: 0x556 2: 0x667 3: 0x71d 4: 0x788 5: 0x7c2 6: 0x7e1 7: 0x7f1 So the above table is actually unnecessary, I'm just leaving it in as a reference. The game 'Metroid 2' runs into this issue in a few places, apparently the programmers didn't know about the above info. Also, the knife-throwing monsters in 'Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3' run into the issue, but there it is intentionally used to prevent their 'voices' from going too high. Upon reaching the terminal count (value=0), the counter sends a signal to a selector, which controls what direction the sweep will be by controlling the sign bit of the accumulator. Channel 1 - $FF10(NR10)[sq1] --------------------------------------------- 3 Sweep Direction (1: decrease, 0: increase) The adder then takes the accumulator, and adds that value to the 11-bit frequency value stored in registers $FF13 and $FF14. Therefore, because the registers are modified, the frequency must be rewritten in-between sweeps. /----------------------\ < Duty Cycle Generator > \----------------------/ The duty cycle generator is a 3-bit (down?) counter which produces output depending on the result of some binary operations against the bits of the counter, the operations selectable by changing the duty cycle bits in register. Channels 1,2 - $FF11(NR11)[sq1], $FF16(NR21)[sq2] --------------------------------------------- 7-6 Wave pattern duty The resulting waves are: Bits Cyc% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 00 : 12.5% ________==______ 01 : 25% ________====____ 10 : 50% ____========____ 11 : 75% ========____==== = is High _ is Low Note that 75% is just a binary NOT against 25%, and that the two are almost indistinguishable to the human ear. The duty cycle is clocked by the output of the frequency counter for channels 1 and 2. Upon the channel INIT trigger bit being set for either channel 1 or 2, the wave position's incrementing will be delayed by 1/12 of a full cycle. IT WILL *NOT* BE RESET TO 0 BY A CHANNEL INIT. 'Gauntlet II' does a very slick job of timing itself around this fact. Upon system reset, channel 1 will be set to the 50% duty cycle wave, channel 2 to the 12.5% duty cycle wave. (see initial register values) /-------------------------------\ < PseudoRandom Number Generator > \-------------------------------/ The noise channel has a 1-bit pseudo-random number generator, or PRNG. This particular type of PRNG is called an LFSR, a Linear Feedback Shift Register. It's based on a 15 or 7-bit shift register, and an exclusive OR gate (XOR). The mode is selectable by the Shift register width selector. Channel 4 - $FF22(NR43)[noise] --------------------------------------------- 3 Shift Register width (0: 15 bits; 1: 7 bits) The following diagram shows where the XOR taps are taken off the shift register to produce the 1-bit pseudo-random number sequences for each mode. mode <----- ---- FEDCBA9876543210 32K %*.............R 512 XXXXXXXX%*.....R X- N/A %- output and XOR tap *- XOR tap R- result of XOR, to be shifted in The current result of the XOR will be transferred into bit position 0 of the shift register upon the next shift cycle. The 1-bit 'random' output is taken from the output, is inverted, then is sent to the volume/envelope hardware for the noise channel. VERIFIED: Upon the channel INIT trigger bit being set for this channel (4), the PRNG will be reloaded with a value of 0xFF. (Kirby 2) NOTE: There will be a 16-clock delay before the PRNG outputs any non-0 data after an INIT. This means the value loaded on channel INIT isn't 0x01 as previously written here, but is 0xFF. this will cause the channel to have a value of 0x01 16 clocks later. Again, thanks to beware for pointing this out. On system reset, this shift register is loaded with a value of 1. /---------------------\ < Wave Pattern Memory > \---------------------/ This is the 16-byte long 'hidden' internal memory area (hereafter referred to as 'wave pattern memory'), containing the 32 4-bit samples for channel 3. It can be written to by writing the 16-byte sample data into the wave pattern load register. Channel 3 - Wave pattern load register - $FF30-$FF3F ---------------------------------------------- FOR EACH BYTE IN $FF30-$FF3F: 7-4 Sample 0 3-0 Sample 1 Setting the 'init' bit [bit 7] in $FF1E to 1 will destroy the contents at location $FF30-$FF3F, but the wave pattern memory will retain the proper values. This area cannot be written to while channel 3's master control switch is on. Sample playback is possible using this register, by turning off the switch and writing the next 16 4-bit samples, and turning it back on. However, doing this will create some click-distortion from the switch itself (especially on DMGs), and the first sample immediately after the switch is turned back on will be replaced (due to capacitance somewhere?) by the last COMPLETELY played back (partially played doesn't count) sample before the switch was shut off. (Thanks Jeff Frohwein) SPECULATION: The 1-sample error is NOT carried over to successive loops of the wave pattern data? (gauntlet 2 suggests otherwise...) On system power-on of the CGB, this internal area is loaded with: 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff On system power-on of the SGB?, GBP and DMG, the internal area isn't loaded with any particular value, however due to some unusual properties of the memory in question, the values present will almost always be roughly the same. The game "R-Type", due to a programming error, doesn't load this area with anything, and therefore the initial value is played. When "R-Type" was re-released for the GBC in "R-Type DX", Irem made a very good approximation of the SGB/GBP/DMG's initial Wave pattern memory values. Those values are: 0xac, 0xdd, 0xda, 0x48, 0x36, 0x02, 0xcf, 0x16, 0x2c, 0x04, 0xe5, 0x2c, 0xac, 0xdd, 0xda, 0x48 However on actual hardware, the values are pretty much completely random. On older versions (pre-DMG-CPU-05?) of the DMG, the scale of the DAC used on channel 3 (other channels too?) is logarithmic instead of linear. All later gameboy models (GBP,SGB,CGB,GBA) use only linear DACs. (Thanks Jeff Frohwein) Here are some scales for demonstration: Logarithmic: 0---------------1--------------2-------------3------------4-----------5----------6---------7--------8-------9------A-----B----C---D--E-F Linear: 0--------1--------2--------3--------4--------5--------6--------7--------8--------9--------A--------B--------C--------D--------E--------F /--------------------------------------\ < Wave Pattern Playback / Shifter Unit > \--------------------------------------/ This is effectively a 5-bit counter, which acts as a pointer to the current 4-bit sample in the 16-byte, 32-sample wave pattern memory. Every clock from the programmable timer will cause a 4-bit sample (the wavepattern's [high-4-bits-of-counter]st byte's high or low 4 bits [depending on whether the counter's low bit is 0 or 1, respectively]) to be sent to the volume shifter unit. The volume shifter unit, depending on it's register, will output either 0, the 4-bit sample, or the sample rightshifted by 1 or 2. This 4-bit result is then sent to the DAC. Channel 3 - $FF1C(NR32)[vlnt] --------------------------------------------- 6-5 Volume Level (0: Mute; 1: 100%; 2: 50% [rtshift 1]; 3: 25% [rtshift 2]) Speculation/Unverified: On system startup, this counter is either 0, or at max so that after the next clock it will be 0, I've never checked, but the first situation is more likely. /------------------------\ < SO1 / SO2 Control Unit > \------------------------/ The SO1/SO2 control unit is a set of 8 on/off switches which turn on and off each channel's output to SO1(right) and SO2(left), and another set of switches which controls the absolute master volume for each SO 'channel', and the master control switches for Vin->SOx. $FF24(NR50) - Vin (input line on cart connector) / Main Output Volume Control --------------------------------------------- 7 Output Vin to SO2 (1: on; 0: off) 6-4 SO2 (Left) Main Output level (volume) 3 Output Vin to SO1 (1: on; 0: off) 2-0 SO1 (Right) Main Output level (volume) Bits 7 and 3 are master control switches, they have the same -12/+11 voltage effect as the master volume control switches, except they don't go through a set of switches to divide their left/right component, they come pre-divided. They are added to SOx before the main output level control. No known game actually uses them for their intended (Vin) purpose. (One Public Domain game does however use them for sound in a strange way, by taking advantage of the clicks and the main volume control: 'The Winnowing', by Plasma Works) Bits 6-4 and 2-0 regulate the volume on each channel in this fashion: volume = volume of SOx + (volume of SOx * Main Output Level of SOx) Thus, these controls cannot completely mute a particular SO 'channel'. $FF25(NR51) - Sound Output terminal select (1: enabled; 0: disabled) --------------------------------------------- 7 Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) 6 Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) 5 Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) 4 Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) 3 Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) 2 Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) 1 Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) 0 Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) These switches control raw voltage, so if a channel's master channel control switch is on(slightly raising the voltage output by that channel), turning off (or on) that channel's SOx output switches will result in clicks on the respective speaker/headphone as the voltage suddenly drops or is raised. If the master output control switch is off, no clicking can occur, as the raised voltage never gets this far. WARNING!!! SPECULATION BELOW! The CGB and the DMG/GBP/SGB differ in the way that each of the channels is mixed with the rest. VERY UNVERIFIED (speculation): The CGB starts with 0 (or -127?), averages all the channels together and multiplies the result by 4[lftshifts it by 2]. this makes some of the channels cancel each other out almost completely instead of partially, which happens on the DMG. VERY UNVERIFIED (speculation): On the other hand, the DMG/GBP/SGB starts with -127, and adds each of the channels individually to that. This is noticible in a few games, but the game which demonstrates it particularly vividly is "Lock n' Chase". It sounds HORRIBLE on a GBC! Note: the above info is most probably wrong, so don't trust it at all. END OF SPECULATION /--------------------------\ < ORGANIZATION OF CHANNELS > \--------------------------/ sweep unit --\ freq counter ----*--Duty cycle generator-- TO |A| length counter -/ or PRNG master channel ctrl --------\ |A| -----[volume/envelope]--- DAC ----*-----\-----\ SO1* SO2* | | Right Left [volume/envelope] >(Init causes everything to be read from regs) (to master channel ctrl) / -[---------------------volume control------------]---... Step length counter +<--->- \ / Direction select * = switch, off if side input is 0 /-------------------------------------------\ < **Patent Numbers (for those interested)** > \-------------------------------------------/ #5,184,830 - Compact Hand-held Video Game System This details a lot of information about memory maps, video hardware, and has flowcharts explaining the bootstrap rom. #5,134,391 - System for preventing the use of an unauthorized external memory This goes into the gory details about how the gameboy's bootstrap rom works. #5,095,798 - Electronic Gaming Device with Pseudo-Stereophonic Sound Generating Capabilities This gives a lot of information about the layout of the sound system in the Gameboy. /-------------\ < **Credits** > \-------------/ This document written by Jonathan Gevaryahu, AKA Lord Nightmare lord_nightmare at users dot sourceforge dot net Thanks to all the authors whose information I borrowed in order to make this document. Without their work, this doc would never have existed! Special Thanks to the people in #gameboy on EFNET for helping me out on a few points. Special Thanks to laguna for writing (most of) gnuboy and getting me interested in this documentation project in the first place. Special Thanks to beware for sharing his bgb sound generator source code, and coming up with a MUCH more plausable timing scheme for the sweep/envelope systems. Thanks beware!